Applications Are Closed for 2025!

2025 Vendors Pending… Farmers Market Board Voting on vendors soon, stay Tuned!

We receive over 50 applications each year with limited space for Agriculture, Artisans, Ready to Eat, and Hemp/CBD Vendors. The Carbondale Farmers' Markets is committed to supporting and strengthening local businesses and Colorado's Western Slope farmers and producers. Priority will go to our local vendors and those with seniority.

All applications will be reviewed by the Board of Directors for acceptance or denial of the Carbondale Farmers' Market. The Carbondale Farmers' Market reserves the right to deny the acceptance of any application, for any reason, and reserves the right to revoke members for any reason at any time during the season.

Season Dates: Wednesdays, June 4th- September 24th

Applications are due by the end of the day, February 29th, 2025. Applications will be reviewed shortly after and you will be contacted with an acceptance or denial. *We will continue accepting day vendor applications throughout the summer if space is available.